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4. Solid earth sciences

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  1. Oceans on Earth are present as a result of dynamic equilibrium between degassing and regassing through the interaction with Earth’s interior. We review mineral physics, geophysical, and geochemical studies rel...

    Authors: Shun-ichiro Karato, Bijaya Karki and Jeffrey Park
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2020 7:76

    The Correction to this article has been published in Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2021 8:14

  2. The Mikawa Bay Region, central Japan, is characterized by many active faults recording Quaternary activities. It is, however, difficult to understand the overall tectonic character of the region due to a thick...

    Authors: Ayumu Miyakawa, Tomoya Abe, Tatsuya Sumita and Makoto Otsubo
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2020 7:63

    The Correction to this article has been published in Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2020 7:72

  3. Through two lab-scale experiments, we investigated the hydraulic and mechanical characteristics of sediment layers during water film formation, induced by elevated pore pressure—considered one of the triggers ...

    Authors: Shogo Kawakita, Daisuke Asahina, Takato Takemura, Hinako Hosono and Keiji Kitajima
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2020 7:62
  4. Sediments from the semi-enclosed Japan Sea are sensitive to paleoclimatic perturbations and they offer great opportunities for many regional and global paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic studies. These studie...

    Authors: Chuang Xuan, Yuxi Jin, Saiko Sugisaki, Yasufumi Satoguchi and Yoshitaka Nagahashi
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2020 7:60
  5. In this review, I provide the current status and future prospects for the coupled core-mantle evolution and specifically summarize the constraints arising from geomagnetism and paleomagnetism on the long-term ...

    Authors: Takashi Nakagawa
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2020 7:57
  6. Sub-bottom profiling (SBP) surveys and bathymetric mapping conducted off the shore of Miyako-jima, which belongs to the southern Ryukyus in the Ryukyu Island Arc, have revealed the presence of mound-shaped str...

    Authors: Takahiko Inoue and Kohsaku Arai
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2020 7:52
  7. Tropical mangrove swamps are commonly characterized by dense networks of tidal channels that may show pronounced meandering and dendritic patterns. Channel meanders are sometimes accompanied by cut-offs, and, ...

    Authors: Hasrizal Shaari, Qatrunnada Mohd Nasir, Hui-Juan Pan, Che Abd Rahim Mohamed, Abdul Hafidz Yusoff, Wan Mohd Afiq Wan Mohd Khalik, Erick Naim, Riza Yuliratno Setiawan and Edward J. Anthony
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2020 7:46
  8. Geological records of the Matuyama–Brunhes (M–B) geomagnetic reversal facilitate the development of an age model for sedimentary and volcanic sequences and help decipher the dynamics of the Earth’s magnetic fi...

    Authors: Yuki Haneda, Makoto Okada, Yusuke Suganuma and Takahiro Kitamura
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2020 7:44

    The Correction to this article has been published in Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2021 8:33

    The Correction to this article has been published in Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2020 7:65

  9. Megathrust earthquakes that occur repeatedly along the plate interface of subduction zones can cause severe damage due to strong ground motion and the destructive tsunamis they can generate. We developed a set...

    Authors: Masaru Nakano, Shane Murphy, Ryoichiro Agata, Yasuhiko Igarashi, Masato Okada and Takane Hori
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2020 7:45
  10. A detailed chronostratigraphic framework established by the mapping of tephra key beds and application of oxygen isotopic data allows assessment of the synchroneity and diachroneity of depositional systems for...

    Authors: Akihiko Takao, Keisuke Nakamura, Shinichi Takaoka, Masaya Fuse, Yohei Oda, Yasushi Shimano, Naohisa Nishida and Makoto Ito
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2020 7:37
  11. We present a novel paleomagnetic record for the lower Matuyama chronozone, which includes the Réunion subchronozone and the lower Olduvai polarity reversal, from a continuous section of a 168-m-thick on-land m...

    Authors: Takumi Konishi and Makoto Okada
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2020 7:35
  12. The formation of compaction bands in porous brittle rocks such as sandstones and carbonates has a significant impact on the localization mechanisms preceding earth and planetary surface instabilities such as e...

    Authors: Xiao Chen, Hamid Roshan, Adelina Lv, Manman Hu and Klaus Regenauer-Lieb
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2020 7:28
  13. Terrestrial records of the last geomagnetic reversal often have few age constraints. Chronostratigraphy using suborbital-scale paleoceanic events during marine isotope stage 19 may contribute to solving this p...

    Authors: Masayuki Hyodo, Kenta Banjo, Tianshui Yang, Shigehiro Katoh, Meinan Shi, Yuki Yasuda, Jun-ichi Fukuda, Masako Miki and Balázs Bradák
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2020 7:26
  14. The longitudinal sound velocity (VP) and the density (ρ) of wüstite, FeO, were measured at pressures of up to 112.3 GPa and temperatures of up to 1700 K using both inelastic X-ray scattering and X-ray diffraction...

    Authors: Ryosuke Tanaka, Tatsuya Sakamaki, Eiji Ohtani, Hiroshi Fukui, Seiji Kamada, Akio Suzuki, Satoshi Tsutsui, Hiroshi Uchiyama and Alfred Q. R. Baron
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2020 7:23
  15. Using Global Navigation Satellite System–Acoustic (GNSS-A) technique, we have been developing observation system on a moored buoy for continuous monitoring of seafloor crustal deformation. The sound speed stru...

    Authors: Natsuki Kinugasa, Keiichi Tadokoro, Teruyuki Kato and Yukihiro Terada
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2020 7:21
  16. Mantle tomography reveals the existence of two large low-shear-velocity provinces (LLSVPs) at the base of the mantle. We examine here the hypothesis that they are piles of oceanic crust that have steadily accu...

    Authors: Timothy D. Jones, Ross R. Maguire, Peter E. van Keken, Jeroen Ritsema and Paula Koelemeijer
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2020 7:17
  17. Lithogenic grain-size, geochemical elements of core sediments from the central Bay of Bengal (BoB) were analyzed to identify sediment provenance and explore the regional “source-sink” processes since 25 ka. Ba...

    Authors: Jingrui Li, Shengfa Liu, Xuefa Shi, Min-Te Chen, Hui Zhang, Aimei Zhu, Jingjing Cui, Somkiat Khokiattiwong and Narumol Kornkanitnan
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2020 7:16
  18. An understanding of the mechanisms of Ti is incorporation into silicate glasses and melts is critical for the field of petrology. Trace-element thermobarometry, high-field-strength element partitioning, and th...

    Authors: Michael R. Ackerson, George D. Cody and Bjorn O. Mysen
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2020 7:14
  19. We here examined the sedimentation process of falling ash particles during a short-lived Vulcanian eruption at Sakurajima volcano, Japan, using high-speed camera imaging of airborne ash particles, as well as g...

    Authors: T. Miwa, Y. Iriyama, M. Nagai and F. Nanayama
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2020 7:3
  20. On December 7, 2012, an earthquake occurred within the Pacific Plate near the Japan Trench, which was composed of deep reverse- and shallow normal-faulting subevents (Mw 7.2 and 7.1, respectively) with a time ...

    Authors: Tatsuya Kubota, Ryota Hino, Daisuke Inazu and Syuichi Suzuki
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2019 6:67
  21. This paper presents the first detailed geologic map of in situ lower ocean crust; the product of six surveys of Atlantis Bank on the SW Indian Ridge. This combined with major and trace element compositions of ...

    Authors: Henry J. B. Dick, Astri J. S. Kvassnes, Paul T. Robinson, Christopher J. MacLeod and Hajimu Kinoshita
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2019 6:64
  22. We assessed the positioning accuracy of GNSS-Acoustic (GNSS-A) measurement using a slackly moored buoy. A key feature of real-time buoy-based GNSS-A measurement is that positioning must be performed via single...

    Authors: Misae Imano, Motoyuki Kido, Chie Honsho, Yusaku Ohta, Narumi Takahashi, Tatsuya Fukuda, Hiroshi Ochi and Ryota Hino
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2019 6:56
  23. Ancient Mars likely hosted oceans similar to those on Earth; however, such water is not presently observed on Mars. One possible explanation for the lack of present-day oceans is that surface water was transpo...

    Authors: Ikuo Katayama, Yuhki Matsuoka and Shintaro Azuma
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2019 6:51
  24. The depth extent of the crustal seismogenic zone is closely related to the size of earthquakes. The mechanisms that control the depth of the lower transition of the seismogenic zone are important issues in sei...

    Authors: Koji Masuda, Takashi Arai and Miki Takahashi
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2019 6:50
  25. The terrestrial nitrogen budget, distribution, and evolution are governed by biological and geological recycling. The biological cycle provides the nitrogen input for the geological cycle, which, in turn, feed...

    Authors: Bjorn Mysen
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2019 6:38
  26. Megasplay fault branching from plate boundaries of subduction zones is thought to be important sources of earthquakes and tsunamis. In this study, we performed structural and geochemical analyses on a fossiliz...

    Authors: Ryota Hasegawa, Asuka Yamaguchi, Rina Fukuchi, Yohei Hamada, Nobuhiro Ogawa, Yujin Kitamura, Gaku Kimura, Juichiro Ashi and Tsuyoshi Ishikawa
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2019 6:36
  27. We combine field mapping with quartz microstructure and lattice preferred orientations (LPO) to constrain the mechanisms and spatio-temporal distribution of deformation surrounding the Median Tectonic Line (MT...

    Authors: Thomas A. Czertowicz, Toru Takeshita, Shun Arai, Takafumi Yamamoto, Jun-Ichi Ando, Norio Shigematsu and Ko-Ichiro Fujimoto
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2019 6:25
  28. The microtexture of graphite exposed on the polished surface was studied using confocal laser scanning microscopy, laser Raman spectroscopy, and focused ion beam–transmission electron microscopy (FIB–TEM) to e...

    Authors: Yui Kouketsu, Akira Miyake, Yohei Igami, Tomoki Taguchi, Hiroyuki Kagi and Masaki Enami
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2019 6:23
  29. This study investigates the thermal maturity structure of the accretionary wedge along with the thermal history of sediments during wedge formation using a numerical simulation. The thermal maturity, which is ...

    Authors: Ayumu Miyakawa, Masataka Kinoshita, Yohei Hamada and Makoto Otsubo
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2019 6:8
  30. We assess the dependence of megathrust geometry near the updip edge of the Nankai seismogenic zone according to the slip tendency of the megathrust based on a reprocessed 3D PSDM seismic volume image and Inter...

    Authors: Masataka Kinoshita, Kazuya Shiraishi, Evi Demetriou, Yoshitaka Hashimoto and Weiren Lin
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2019 6:7
  31. The Pliocene climate is one of the best analogs for the climate of a globally warmer future. Here, we present a new Pliocene integrated chronostratigraphy from the Anno Formation in the uppermost Awa Group, wh...

    Authors: Yuki Haneda and Makoto Okada
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2019 6:6
  32. Combined knowledge on the magnitude as well as the orientation of paleo-stress is usually not given. Based on drilling investigations and laboratory experiments, we are able to provide both, constraints on pal...

    Authors: Yoshitaka Hashimoto, Michael Stipp, Jonathan C. Lewis and Frank Wuttke
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2019 6:3
  33. Seismic interferometry is one of the most effective techniques for detecting temporal variations in seismic velocity caused by large earthquakes. Before the 2011 Tohoku-Oki earthquake (Mw9.0) near the Japan Trenc...

    Authors: Miyuu Uemura, Yoshihiro Ito, Kazuaki Ohta, Ryota Hino and Masanao Shinohara
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2018 5:87
  34. Noble gas abundance and isotope data from 12 drilling mud gas samples obtained during IODP Expeditions 338 and 348 provide new insights on fluid origin and fluid migration in the inner accretionary prism below...

    Authors: Thomas Wiersberg, Sebastian B. Hammerschmidt, Shigeshi Fuchida, Achim Kopf and Jörg Erzinger
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2018 5:79
  35. Ocean drilling in the Nankai Trough forearc suggests a new scenario for the evolution of the Nankai subduction zone. Continuous subduction since the Late Cretaceous has been a common tectonic scenario, althoug...

    Authors: Gaku Kimura, Hiroaki Koge and Takeshi Tsuji
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2018 5:78
  36. The study investigates the in-situ strength of sediments across a plate boundary décollement using drilling parameters recorded when a 1180-m-deep borehole was established during International Ocean Discovery ...

    Authors: Yohei Hamada, Takehiro Hirose, Akira Ijiri, Yasuhiro Yamada, Yoshinori Sanada, Saneatsu Saito, Noriaki Sakurai, Takamitsu Sugihara, Takahiro Yokoyama, Tomokazu Saruhashi, Tatsuhiko Hoshino, Nana Kamiya, Stephen Bowden, Margaret Cramm, Susann Henkel, Kira Homola…
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2018 5:70
  37. The 2011 Tohoku-oki earthquake unexpectedly ruptured to the shallowest portion of the plate boundary fault and triggered a large tsunami. The shallow portion had generally been regarded as a seismically stable...

    Authors: Hiroaki Koge, Yasuhiro Yamada, Akihiro Ohde, Arthur Bauville, Asuka Yamaguchi and Juichiro Ashi
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2018 5:69
  38. Three-dimensional (3D) seismic data from the southern Kumano Basin of southwest Japan image a nested series of moderately sized mass transport deposits (MTDs) that slid from a slope along the seaward side of t...

    Authors: Jason Lackey, Gregory Moore and Michael Strasser
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2018 5:65
  39. The Nankai subduction zone off the Kii Peninsula, Japan, has a large potential to generate megathrust earthquakes in the near future. To investigate the temporal variation of stress or strain in the Nankai sub...

    Authors: Tatsunori Ikeda and Takeshi Tsuji
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2018 5:62
  40. Azerbaijan, located on the western edge of the Caspian Sea in Central Asia, has one of the highest populations of mud volcanoes in the world. We used satellite-based synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images deriv...

    Authors: Kento Iio and Masato Furuya
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2018 5:61
  41. We examined the temporal changes in the internal stresses and pore fluid pressures of a submarine mass transport deposit (MTD) in the Akkeshi Formation of the Upper Cretaceous–Paleocene Nemuro Group, eastern H...

    Authors: Makoto Otsubo, Hajime Naruse and Ayumu Miyakawa
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2018 5:59
  42. Here, we investigate a possible scenario of surface seawater evolution in the numerical simulations of surface plate motion driven by mantle dynamics, including thermo-chemical convection and water migration, ...

    Authors: Takashi Nakagawa, Hikaru Iwamori, Ryunosuke Yanagi and Atsushi Nakao
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2018 5:51
  43. To estimate strong ground motions caused by future earthquakes in Japan and to more accurately predict seismic hazards and tsunamis, it is necessary to accurately model the geometry of the subducting plate and...

    Authors: Yasuko Yamagishi, Ayako Nakanishi, Seiichi Miura, Shuichi Kodaira and Hide Sakaguchi
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2018 5:49
  44. In this study, which was conducted to investigate present-day geological deformations occurring off the central Ryukyu Arc along the Ryukyu Trench (Okinawa-jima) in the vicinity of Japan, we obtained and exami...

    Authors: Kohsaku Arai, Takahiko Inoue and Tomoyuki Sato
    Citation: Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2018 5:45