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Fig. 3 | Progress in Earth and Planetary Science

Fig. 3

From: Detection of a recent large Hyuga-nada long-term slow slip event and estimation of its spatiotemporal slip distributions

Fig. 3

Displacement fields associated with the Hyuga-nada L-SSE during the period from 2018.5 to 2021.7. The solid green circle indicates the observation station that exhibits a maximum displacement of 2.3 cm in the figure. The white solid circles represent stations strongly affected by the 2018–2019 Bungo Channel L-SSE and the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake (940090: Bungo Channel L-SSE, 960702: Kumamoto earthquake). (a) Horizontal displacement field. The red arrows indicate the stations used in the inversion, and the gray arrows indicate the stations not used in the inversion. The ellipse at the tip of each arrow represents the standard error of 1σ. (b) Vertical displacement field. The short horizontal line denotes the station location, and the red and blue vertical bars represent uplift and subsidence, respectively. The gray bars indicate the stations not used in the inversion. The gray thin vertical line at the tip of the observed bar represents a standard error of 1σ

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