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Fig. 1 | Progress in Earth and Planetary Science

Fig. 1

From: Peridotites with back-arc basin affinity exposed at the southwestern tip of the Mariana forearc

Fig. 1

a Bathymetric map of the region around the southern Mariana Trench. SEMFR: Southeast Mariana Forearc Ridge; WSRBF: West Santa Rosa Bank Fault. b Three-dimensional perspective view of the 139°E Ridge. Shinkai 6500 dive tracks (6K-1397 and 6K-1398) are shown by green lines. Deep-tow camera dive tracks (YKDT-170 and YKDT-171) are shown by red lines. D-1 is the dredge line reported by Hawkins and Batiza (1977). 1438D1 is the dredge line reported by Beccaluva et al. (1980). c Lithologies recovered along the dive tracks plotted on a bathymetric map. The bathymetric dataset used in each panel is a compilation from the following bathymetric data: ETOPO1, U.S. Extended Continental Shelf Cruise (Armstrong 2010), and Yokosuka ship-board bathymetry

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