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Fig. 7 | Progress in Earth and Planetary Science

Fig. 7

From: Evaluation of earth system model and atmospheric inversion using total column CO2 observations from GOSAT and OCO-2

Fig. 7

Seasonal cycle amplitude of zonal mean XCO2, shown for land (top row) and ocean (bottom row) surfaces separately. The comparisons of XCO2 SCAs for both the ACTM_InvF and ACTM_ES2LF simulations are compared with GOSAT observations for the 2010–2014 period (left column), while the ACTM_InvF simulation only is compared with GOSAT and OCO-2 observations for the 2015–2018 period (right column). The error bars represent 1-σ standard deviations over 5 years in the left column and over 4 years in the right column. The ACTM_invF(GOSAT) and ACTM_invF(OCO-2) in panels c and d show the ACTM_InvF results when sampled at the location and time of GOSAT and OCO-2 measurements, respectively

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