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Fig. 2 | Progress in Earth and Planetary Science

Fig. 2

From: Evaluation of earth system model and atmospheric inversion using total column CO2 observations from GOSAT and OCO-2

Fig. 2

Time series of global (left column) and semi-hemispheric (right column) total CO2 fluxes for land and ocean at annual intervals as estimated by the MIROC4-Inv and MIROC-ES2L (panels a and b, respectively). The FFC emissions from independent data sources are also compared (panel c). The global total results are compared with GCP-CO2 budgets (Friedlingstein et al. 2020). The semi-hemispheric biospheric fluxes of land and ocean regions as well as the FFC emissions are shown (right column), for the northern hemisphere (NH) extratropics, tropics, and southern hemisphere (SH) extratropics (panels d–f, respectively). Please note the different y-axis range for each panel (the ocean flux variability in panel b may appear deceivingly large compared with the land flux variability in panel a)

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