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Table 2 Comparison of sediment discharge and production triggered by the heavy rainfall events in 1990, 2001, and 2012 (after Miyabuchi and Daimaru, 2004 and Saito et al. 2016), and the 2016 Kumamoto earthquake. The rainfalls and return periods were calculated from radar/rain-gauge analyzed precipitation provided by the Japan Meteorological Agency (Saito and Matsuyama, 2015)

From: Landslides triggered by an earthquake and heavy rainfalls at Aso volcano, Japan, detected by UAS and SfM-MVS photogrammetry


July 1990

June 2001

July 2012

2016 Kumamoto earthquake

Max. 1 h rainfall/return period

80.0 mm/12 years

90.0 mm/23 years

85.0 mm/16 years

0.0 mm

Max. 24 h rainfall/return period

497.8 mm/26 years

297.0 mm/2 years

427.6 mm/11 years

0.0 mm

Sediment discharge (sediment production, m3/km2)

3.1–3.9 × 104

3.0–4.1 × 103

1.2–4.8 × 105

2.5 × 104