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Table 5 CRa and SCb of geomorphological and geological units for each terrain group in California and Australia

From: Global terrain classification using 280 m DEMs: segmentation, clustering, and reclassification

Terrain group

California, lithological unit of Wills et al. (2015)

Australia, geological unit reclassifiedc from Blake and Kilgour (1998)

Australia, major landform unit of Chan et al. (1986)


Crystalline rocks (61%) (×2.1), Franciscan complex rocks (17%) (×2.7), Tertiary volcanic units (8%), Tertiary sandstone units (6%), others (8%)

Sedimentary rocks (51%), granites (19%), felsic volcanics (8%) (×5.8), mafic intrusives (6%) (×9.1), Cenozoic mafic volcanics (6%) (×4.1), metamorphics (6%), others (4%)

Mountains (59%) (×10.1), plateau (15%), hills (12%), low hills (7%)


Crystalline rocks (59%) (×2.0), Tertiary volcanic units (19%), Tertiary sandstone units (5%), others (17%)

Sedimentary rocks (49%), granites (29%) (×2.9), metamorphics (5%), others (17%)

Hills (35%) (×3.2), mountains (34%) (×5.8), low hills (7%)


Crystalline rocks (45%), Tertiary sandstone units (14%), Franciscan complex rocks (13%) (×2.0), Tertiary volcanic units (9%), Tertiary shale and siltstone units (7%), others (12%)

Sedimentary rocks (58%), granites (16%), felsic volcanics (6%) (×4.4), Cenozoic mafic volcanics (6%) (×4.1), others (14%)

Mountains (45%) (×7.7), hills (21%), low hills (11%)


Crystalline rocks (36%), Tertiary volcanic units (15%), Tertiary sandstone units (14%), Holocene alluvium (steep slopes) (12%), Cretaceous sandstone (6%) (×2.8), Tertiary shale and siltstone units (6%), others (11%)

Sedimentary rocks (66%), granites (12%), metamorphics (7%), others (15%)

Hills (24%) (×2.2), mountains (23%) (×4.0), plateau (17%), low hills (12%), rises (7%)


Crystalline rocks (32%), Tertiary volcanic units (18%), Tertiary sandstone units (11%), Holocene alluvium (steep slopes) (9%), Franciscan complex units (7%), Tertiary shale and siltstone units (6%), Pleistocene alluvium (6%), Pleistocene - Pliocene alluvial deposits (5%), others (6%)

Sedimentary rocks (55%), granites (17%), mafic volcanics (6%) (×2.2), felsic volcanics (6%) (×4.2), others (16%)

Hills (30%) (×2.8), low hills (23%) (×2.1), mountains (22%) (×3.9), plateau (13%)


Holocene alluvium (steep slopes) (22%) (×2.1), crystalline rocks (16%), Tertiary volcanic units (14%), Tertiary sandstone units (14%), Pleistocene alluvium (12%), Pleistocene–Pliocene alluvial deposits (7%) (×2.9), Tertiary shale and siltstone units (7%), others (8%)

Sedimentary rocks (62%), Cenozoic regolith (10%), granites (10%), metamorphics (6%), others (12%)

Hills (23%) (×2.1), low hills (20%), mountains (14%) (×2.4), plateau (13%), rises (9%), erosional plain (6%)


Tertiary volcanic units (39%) (×3.5), crystalline rocks (25%), Holocene alluvium (steep slopes) (18%), Pleistocene alluvium (8%), others (10%)

Sedimentary rocks (58%), mafic volcanics (13%) (×4.8), Cenozoic mafic volcanics (8%) (×5.2), metamorphics (6%), Cenozoic regolith (5%), others (10%)

Hills (37%) (×3.4), low hills (22%) (×2.0), mountains (20%) (×3.5), lava plain (7%) (×10.3), plateau (6%)


Holocene alluvium (steep slopes) (44%) (×4.3), Pleistocene alluvium (19%), crystalline rocks (15%), Tertiary volcanic units (13%), others (9%)

Sedimentary rocks (65%), Cenozoic regolith (15%), Cenozoic mafic volcanics (7%) (×5.0), others (13%)

Low hills (30%) (×2.8), hills (22%) (×2.1), coastal dunes (7%) (×14.8), dunefield (7%), lava plain (6%) (×9.3), mountains (6%)


Tertiary sandstone units (19%) (×2.3), Tertiary volcanic units (19%), Pleistocene alluvium (18%), Holocene alluvium (steep slopes) (13%), crystalline rocks (10%), Holocene alluvium (moderate slopes) (8%), Pleistocene–Pliocene alluvial deposits (7%) (×3.0), others (6%)

Sedimentary rocks (47%), Cenozoic regolith (20%), granites (13%), metamorphics (6%), mafic volcanics (6%) (×2.1), others (8%)

Hills (25%) (×2.3), low hills (18%), mountains (11%), plateau (10%), rises (9%), dunefield (8%), sand plain (6%), erosional plain (5%)


Tertiary volcanic units (24%) (×2.1), Pleistocene alluvium (21%) (×2.0), Holocene alluvium (steep slopes) (21%) (×2.0), crystalline rocks (10%), Tertiary sandstone units (8%), Pleistocene - Pliocene alluvial deposits (5%), others (11%)

Sedimentary rocks (57%), Cenozoic regolith (15%), granites (11%), metamorphics (6%), others (11%)

Hills (23%) (×2.1), low hills (17%), plateau (14%), dunefield (12%), rises (10%), mountains (9%), erosional plain (6%)


Holocene alluvium (moderate slopes) (28%) (×4.2), Pleistocene alluvium (23%) (×2.2), tertiary volcanic units (21%), Holocene alluvium (very low slopes) (8%), tertiary sandstone units (8%), Holocene alluvium (steep slopes) (6%), others (6%)

Cenozoic regolith (42%), sedimentary rocks (36%), granites (8%), metamorphics (5%), others (9%)

Dunefield (23%) (×2.2), sand plain (13%), plateau (12%), erosional plain (11%), rises (9%), low hills (8%), hills (8%), depositional plain (6%)


Holocene alluvium (moderate slopes) (34%) (×5.1), Holocene alluvium (steep slopes) (32%) (×3.1), Pleistocene alluvium (21%) (×2.0), Tertiary volcanic units (5%), others (8%)

Sedimentary rocks (36%), Cenozoic regolith (32%), granites (18%), metamorphics (6%), others (8%)

Plateau (23%) (×2.1), erosional plain (16%), dunefield (14%), sand plain (10%), low hills (9%), rises (8%), hills (6%), depositional plain (6%)


Holocene alluvium (moderate slopes) (42%) (×6.3), Holocene alluvium (very low slopes) (23%), Pleistocene alluvium (21%) (×2.0), others (14%)

Cenozoic regolith (38%), sedimentary rocks (38%), granites (10%), metamorphics (6%), others (8%)

Erosional plain (18%), dunefield (14%), plateau (12%), sand plain (10%), rises (10%), low hills (9%), depositional plain (8%)


Holocene alluvium (very low slopes) (53%) (×6.6), Pleistocene alluvium (23%) (×2.2), Holocene alluvium (moderate slopes) (18%) (×2.7), others (6%)

Cenozoic regolith (46%), sedimentary rocks (33%), granites (9%), others (12%)

Erosional plain (22%), sand plain (12%), depositional plain (11%), plateau (10%), low hills (9%), dunefield (9%), rises (8%)


Holocene alluvium (very low slopes) (72%) (×8.9), Pleistocene alluvium (26%) (×2.5), others (2%)

Cenozoic regolith (72%), sedimentary rocks (17%), others (11%)

Erosional plain (25%), depositional plain (15%), alluvial plain (12%) (×2.8), sand plain (11%), flood plain (8%) (×4.3), plateau (6%), low hills (6%)

  1. Legends with CR of 5% or more are shown. Clusters with SC over × 2.0 are shown in bold text and the factors are in parentheses
  2. aComposition ratio
  3. bSpecialization coefficient
  4. cGeological units were aggregated by lithology and era. The units without an era are rocks older than Mesozoic