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Table 2 The regressed parameters for the new model

From: Phase diagram and density of SiO2–H2O fluid across critical conditions

α12 = α21 = α

0.1961 (0.0086)


− 0.3846 (0.0111)

b2 (K)

1665.6239 (37.2928)

b3 (K/bar)

− 0.0537 (0.0006)


− 0.2359 (0.0063)

b5 (K)

3061.3542 (151.5954)

b6 (K/bar)

0.0399 (0.0054)

b7 (J/mol)

12,126.8110 (50.6106)

b8 (J/mol/K)

− 23.6453 (0.5641)

b9 (J/mol/bar)

− 23.2747 (0.5593)

b10 (× 106) (J/mol/bar2)


b11(× 103) (J/mol/K2)

9.1411 (0.2880)

b12 (J/mol/K/bar)

3.0663 (0.0230)

b13 (J*K/mol/bar)

2302.3663 (93.7457)

  1. Numbers in the parentheses are the uncertainties for the regressed parameters
  2. b10 was dismissed after the parameter significance test