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Fig. 5 | Progress in Earth and Planetary Science

Fig. 5

From: Early Jurassic extrinsic solar system dynamics versus intrinsic Earth processes: Toarcian sedimentation and benthic life in deep-sea contourite drift facies, Cardigan Bay Basin, UK

Fig. 5

Sections of the Mochras core showing common types of lithology, ichnology, and cyclicity of sedimentation. a 775.79–776.81 m—bigradational (symmetrical) cycle, with gradually coarsening upward (cu) and gradually fining-upward (fu) phases, cut from the top by a conspicuous erosional surface (red bar), capped by sandstone and fining-upward succession. b 772.03–772.97 m—full bigradational (symmetrical) cycle, with gradually coarsening upward (cu) and gradually fining-upward (fu) phases. A and B—no primary sedimentary structures are visible, due to pervasive bioturbation. c, d 754.86–756.82 m—bigradational, top-cut cycle, some current ripples can be seen in the middle part; the cycle is followed by mudstone, in places with lamination, passing into the coarsening-upward phase of the next cycle. Characteristic bigradational (“symmetrical”) cycles with bioturbated coarser parts result from variations in current velocity and are referred to as contourite cycles (Stow et al. 2002; Stow and Faugeres 2008—see also Fig. 4)

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